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Monday, March 16, 2009

Development of blog

Its almost coming to an end.....our first semester at UPSI.Wow how fast...I felt that I just registered here and its going to be the finals for the first semester.By the way we learnt a lot right...especially what we are doing now.We actually created a blog...For me thats really something great.I think it could really help in our teaching.For me learning about developing a blog is really worthwhile.Our students can access it anytime.So what do think about this development of blog?Do you find it interesting as well?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Certainly! Finally after years of browsing through other people's blog..I finally have my own which is actually quite unbelievable :) Learning about blogging is fun, the skills and knowledge can be utilized like..forever? I mean because it involves 'hands-on' experience, the knowledge remains... Yes, it is REALLY worthwhile...

    Most importantly, by having an e-portfolio, it simply shows that we are ICT competent which adds values to ourselves. Students will find you quite COOL..I have students watching me fiddling around with the Blog stuffs and seemed very interested! And they ask questions like..."You blog, teacher?" ( Maybe you know..seeing me blogging is beyond their imagination) And the conversation continues... Do you have friendster, myspace?.. You know what I think? I think that incident reflects that they feel that they have a common interest with us, which makes they feel a step closer to us. Isn't that interesting? (I know...we are supposed to already have a common interest that is CHEMISTRY..)

  3. Hi,
    Yes,I strongly agree with you.It feels really cool...having a blog.It truly shows our competencies in ICT although I am still in the process of learning.I do think that teachers nowdays should equipe themselves with wide variety of information especially in the field of ICT where I think our students are eager of knowing and also some are already equip with these knowledge.As you mentioned,they would be more interested to communicate with us and brings us closer to them.Wow...its a really good feel.I hope we can really make good use of this knowledge of blog development for our profesion and also for our own personal use.All the best...


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