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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Groups' classroom management philosophy

Teaching chemistry is what we have in common.We have been teaching chemistry in Matriculation College for about the same number of years.The chemistry unit in our college consists of 30 lecturers.We often have team teaching where lecturers team in pairs and work together in conducting the lectures,tutorials and practicals.As for us,we had an opportunity to work together as a team to conduct lectures.Working as team was really fun for us.We shared knowledge,experiences and techniques of teaching.
Along the way as we worked together,we gave our very best to our students.We made sure that they understood what they learnt and also gave them time to digest what was taught.The most important thing was patience and we both had lots of patience to deal with our students of different abilities.Our lectures were big groups,therefore its not an easy task to handle about 240 students at a go.Being able to draw their attention is very important.Therefore,we believe that making our lesson fun and interesting is surely a way of drawing their attention.We exchange ideas on methods of teaching as well as how to make our lesson fun.Our chemistry unit carries out a sesion called Intellectual Discourse(ID)where lectures meet and discuss on difficult content topics,sharing of ideasa and knowledge and also guidance from senior lecturers.As for us,we try to simplify what we teach in order for a better understanding.
Besides delivering the right knowledge and content to them,we strongly believe that motivation is truly important for our students.We noticed that many students have low intrinsic motivation.We therefore,besides teaching and learning give motivation to our students as well.Through this,we see that students perform better and they become even closer to us.When students become closer to us,thats when we are able to understand them better and know their needs.
Lastly, we expect the best from our students,therefore we must give our best to them.

The most important
outcome of education
is to help students
become independent
of formal education

Albert Schweitzer

Nooraini & Yvonne

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