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Friday, March 20, 2009

Teaching Videos

Our teaching videos

Yvonne's Practical

Frank Outlaw:

Watch your thoughts;they become words.
Watch your words;they become actions.
Watch your actions;they become habits.
Watch your habits;they become character.
Watch your character;it becomes your destiny

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chemistry Links

Our favourite links

Chemistry dictionary
Data Logging
Chemical Bonding
Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

One of the most valuable things
any men can learn is the art of
using the knowledge and
experience of others

Talk Abouts

Here are what we discussed about

Come and share your thought with us..feel free to comment anything on the topic

Jacob Chanowski:Education

It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin,barefoot,irreverence to their studies;
they are not here to worship what is known,but to question it.

Group Lesson Plan

Our simulation lesson plan.

Education is not filling a bucket,
but lighting a fire.

William Yeats

Groups' classroom management philosophy

Teaching chemistry is what we have in common.We have been teaching chemistry in Matriculation College for about the same number of years.The chemistry unit in our college consists of 30 lecturers.We often have team teaching where lecturers team in pairs and work together in conducting the lectures,tutorials and practicals.As for us,we had an opportunity to work together as a team to conduct lectures.Working as team was really fun for us.We shared knowledge,experiences and techniques of teaching.
Along the way as we worked together,we gave our very best to our students.We made sure that they understood what they learnt and also gave them time to digest what was taught.The most important thing was patience and we both had lots of patience to deal with our students of different abilities.Our lectures were big groups,therefore its not an easy task to handle about 240 students at a go.Being able to draw their attention is very important.Therefore,we believe that making our lesson fun and interesting is surely a way of drawing their attention.We exchange ideas on methods of teaching as well as how to make our lesson fun.Our chemistry unit carries out a sesion called Intellectual Discourse(ID)where lectures meet and discuss on difficult content topics,sharing of ideasa and knowledge and also guidance from senior lecturers.As for us,we try to simplify what we teach in order for a better understanding.
Besides delivering the right knowledge and content to them,we strongly believe that motivation is truly important for our students.We noticed that many students have low intrinsic motivation.We therefore,besides teaching and learning give motivation to our students as well.Through this,we see that students perform better and they become even closer to us.When students become closer to us,thats when we are able to understand them better and know their needs.
Lastly, we expect the best from our students,therefore we must give our best to them.

The most important
outcome of education
is to help students
become independent
of formal education

Albert Schweitzer

Nooraini & Yvonne

About Us

Here is something about us

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Development of blog

Its almost coming to an end.....our first semester at UPSI.Wow how fast...I felt that I just registered here and its going to be the finals for the first semester.By the way we learnt a lot right...especially what we are doing now.We actually created a blog...For me thats really something great.I think it could really help in our teaching.For me learning about developing a blog is really worthwhile.Our students can access it anytime.So what do think about this development of blog?Do you find it interesting as well?

Friday, March 13, 2009


Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone,

Currently I am sitting quietly thinking and wondering how effective our tutorial can be if a Smartboard is provided in every single tutorial room of ours...With all those attractive colours, drawings and most importantly the fonts can replace our handwriting... (well...I have problems with not-really-neat handwriting you know..). on the board i mean...

It's a very powerful tool...I once discussed this matter with Tn Hj Hashim, our vice director..and guess what the problem is..COST...it is very-very expensive. Even the LCD projector in the tutorial rooms was stolen..smatboard..?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Smart School

Good day everyone!
Smart School has been implemented about a decade ago. We haven't heard much of it though..maybe because life has been very busy at our college. However, having paid a visit to a Smart School for our first assignment, what's your opinion/perception of such school?
USB Cables and Binary Digits

How's the moon like today?